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Kamis, 09 Agustus 2012

Obat Penawar Derita dari Sang Tabib

Obat Penawar Derita " - Alkisah, ada seorang ibu muda yang kurang sehat dan sudah berhari-hari tidak makan, hingga tubuhnya semakin kurus saja. Seorang tabib tua memeriksa denyut nadinya, lalu berkata: “Anda memendam begitu banyak masalah dalam hati Anda, sehingga badan menjadi lemah. Karena sebenarnya Anda tidak memiliki penyakit yang parah.”

Setelah mendengar diagnosis sang tabib, ibu muda itu merasa sangat lega seperti terlepas dari beban berat. Kemudian, ibu muda itu pun menceritakan semua masalahnya pada sang tabib. Tabib tua pun bertanya, “Bagaimana perasaan suami Anda terhadap Anda?”

Si ibu muda itu menjawab dengan tersenyum, “Sangat menyayangi saya.”

Tabib tua bertanya lagi, “Apakah punya anak-anak?”

Dengan wajah penuh ceria si ibu muda menjawab, “Ada, seorang putri, sangat pengertian….”

Selagi tadi bertanya, sang tabib pun mengambil kertas dan menuliskan sesuatu. Setelahnya, ia memperlihatkan tulisannya di dua kertas pada si ibu muda itu. Lembar yang satu bertuliskan masalah si ibu muda, dan lembaran yang lain berisikan sukacita si ibu muda.

Kemudian, sang tabib berkata pada si ibu muda, “Kedua kertas ini adalah resep obat untuk penyakit Anda, Anda mencatat semua masalah yang Anda hadapi, dan melupakan sukacita di sekitar Anda.”

Sambil berkata begitu, sang tabib tua menyuruh muridnya membawakan sebaskom air dan tinta.

Setelah itu, sang tabib meneteskan tinta hitam ke dalam air yang jernih.

Terlihat warna hijau muda dari tetesan tinta yang mulai menyebar ke seluruh permukaan air.

Dan dalam sekejap, tinta itu tak terlihat lagi. Sang tabib berkata lagi, “Ketika tinta hitam masuk ke dalam air, warnanya akan memudar.

Bukankah kehidupan kita juga begitu?”

Sering kali beban duka penderitaan yang begitu berat kita rasakan, ini dikarenakan diri kita sendiri yang terlalu terpaku pada masalah-masalah yang ada dan melupakan sukacita yang ada di sekitar kita.

Cobalah belajar untuk mencampurkan sedikit demi sedikit penderitaan pada air kehidupan yang jernih, luas, dan berisi sukacita kita. Dengan begitu, beban hidup kita akan terasa lebih ringan.



Selasa, 07 Agustus 2012

How to Keep your Mind in Order to Live Happily

How to keep your mind in order to live happily - One of the most frequent problems faced by people who are busy with work is a sense of haste, in a hurry; workers, fast, quick-tempered, and often feel the body being tired after working all day. If there is a serious worker who works continuously, morning to night work and rest and then on the following days the same thing is true or repetitive. Usually such people are not able to enjoy their lives as well. Maybe they did not know what it's called a happy life, or a happy life.

Haste or hurry-worker doing something that is a series of results of past activities. For example, this morning you rush into the office-workers when you do not eat breakfast. Office until you are just drinking sweet coffee. Then the second day and third day onwards so. This could cause you get heartburn or decrease your weight.

Actually this can be prevented, the bias is set if you want. The key point lies in the mind and your willpower. If these two things have been there, it will be a lot of things that we can get. Supposing you had - your own PERSONAL MANAGEMENT. Arrange to have better, more focused, more organized, more disciplined, more friendly, more concerned about the environment, you become more compassionate. You will not hurt humans and animals. You will not be done haphazardly. You'll be polite.

Then your next work better. More steady. Your life has a purpose. There is no sense of pessimism. There was only through the day with enthusiasm and happiness. Even for successful and live a successful, peaceful and focused mind will be more yield than the mind is not focused.

Then keep your relationship with your parents and people that is around us, if not better then keep this relationship for the better, if you only have 100 friends so add it to your friends more. No need to limit yourself, you can keep important friendships and establish a
good communication; with others. Remember loved ones and protect the people who have around you.

If your business fails, you have a rift with other people. You can start from scratch. Everything starts from your mind and your willpower. Enjoy the fruit juice drinks that make your body and mind healthy. Remember if someone else does not appreciate you, forgive them. And set yourself that you will still appreciate and respect others. This will make your life happier because your mind is at its point of balance and peace, your heart is good it is the best gift for everyone.

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